Recently I attended the Contractors Association of Kauai’s bi-monthly meetings to see the guest speaker, Diantha Goo HIOSH (Hawaii OSHA) administrators, presentation. The most important take away from this meeting was that OSHA and more specifically HIOSH will be issuing more citations for violations. On an ironic side-note, the current federal government sequestration has impaired their ability to travel freely which you can take any way you want. I guess it’s lucky we live Kauai all over again because they all reside on Oahu. But she did mention that the top violators based on prior citations, and top violations will be focused on when they do get here for inspections so tidy up!
NOTE: If you are an owner/builder or do-it-yourself-er/Mr. Fix It you are responsible for adhering to the OSHA standards just like everyone else and are required to provide all PPE and training, documentation, etc. for anyone working on your project. Just hire a Contractor!! This is a huge liability for you. This is part of the benefit of hiring a licensed and insured Contractor. Think about it.
The top violations that enforcers will be looking at are as follows:(this list came directly from The CAK Newsletter for April 2013).
Fall Protection:Lanyards are not attached, Guardrails not in compliance including toeboards, Ladders not secured.
Trenching:sloping, shoring and trench box not in compliance, missing ladders that should be place every 25 feet, competent person inspections
Fork Lift: Certificate of training is not available, seat belt and horn not working or being used. Load capacity is not written on fork lift.
Heavy Equipment: operator driving too fast or not trained properly, back up alarms not working, seat belts not working or being used, brakes not checked, o reflective vests being used
Cranes: Operators must be certified. records and maintenance must be available, proper training for staying away from high voltage, not passing loads over people, loads rigged properly, operator needs to know how to read load chart, swing radius must be barricaded.
Electrical: Open neutrals, grounding pins, unlabeled circuit breakers, no front panel or open spaces instead of breakers, area around panel blocked, knock out box used as extension cord, broken outer insulations
General: Guards for saws, hazard communication must have a written program, training for staff/workers, safety glasses must be worn, respirators.